The full moon, or, geez, I hope that guy over there doesn’t mug me

The full moon, duh
A less murky moon photo.

Yeah yeah, look at me, once again blogging when it’s pretty much Friday night on the east coast. Friday night of Memorial Day weekend, no less. Yup, yup…probably not gonna shatter any blog traffic records with this one…

Wow, it’s really absurd how dark this video is, isn’t it? Boy howdy. Reeeeeeeally dark. But hey, I betcha it’s still the only video entry in Nan Marino’s contest. BTW, here’s the link to the review of Nan’s book that I did with the fabulous Tara Lazar (who has a book deal!!!).

As ever,

6 thoughts on “The full moon, or, geez, I hope that guy over there doesn’t mug me

  1. The posting of this video just proves you weren’t mugged in the parking lot! I’m relieved, Mike 🙂

    And impressed that you actually went out and howled at the moon… in public!

    1. I’m relieved too, Nova! And thanks for using some of your Internet time on me, I both respect and utterly lack your discipline…

      1. Don’t think I’m disciplined. So far, my avoidance of Twitter and Facebook has just turned me to some other bad, distracting habits… will it ever end? Ever?


  2. Dear Mike. Hi!
    I just wanted to let you know that I loved Nan Marino’s book. And . . . your post inspired me so much that I bravely decided to contact her. It turns out she’s practically my neighbor — so we met for tea at a local restaurant and chatted writing for hours — heaven!!! In a brazen act of self-promotion, I want to mention that I just posted my interview with her on my blog,

    I do hope you’ll take a moment to check it out, and I do hope you forgive me for my “brazeness” (is that a word?) I think you will – forgive me. You sound like a nice guy 🙂

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